NITDA’s mandates are quite diverse and vast, focusing on the responsibilities of the Agency on fostering the development and growth of IT in Nigeria. In an effort towards ensuring that the IT policy’s implementation proceeds with maximum effectiveness, NITDA regulates, monitors, evaluates, and verifies progress on an ongoing basis under the supervision and coordination of the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy. The following are NITDA’s mandates:
- To operate and implement the National IT policy and to give effect to provisions of the National Information Technology Development Agency Act (NITDA Act) of 2007;
- To ensure that the entire citizenry is empowered with Information Technologies through the development of a critical mass of IT proficient and globally competitive manpower;
- To enter into strategic alliance with the private sector as well as international organizations for the actualization of the IT vision;
- To develop and regulate the Information Technology Sector in Nigeria;
- To ensure that Information Technology resources are readily available to promote efficient national development;
- To create IT awareness and ensure universal access in order to promote IT diffusion in all sectors of our national life;

- To ensure Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive and Transparent (SMART) governance, using the instrument of Information Technology;
- To eliminate waste and ensure that governance and businesses are done in the global standard of using IT for easier, faster and cheaper delivery of services for the transformation of the Nigerian economy from a natural resource-based economy to that of a knowledge-driven one;
- To encourage local production and manufacture of IT components in a competitive manner in order to generate foreign earnings and create jobs;
- To create the necessary enabling environment and facilitate private sector and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the IT sector in Nigeria;
- To improve food production and security;
- To render advisory services to the public sector on IT programs and projects;
- To propose relevant IT legislation for the development and regulation of the sector;
- To serve as a clearing house for all IT procurement and services in the public sector;
- To ensure that Information Technology resources are readily available to promote Nigerian development;
- To ensure that Nigeria would benefit maximally, and also contribute meaningfully to the global solutions to overcome the challenges of the Information Age;
- To empower Nigerians to participate in software and IT system development;
- To improve access to public information for all citizens, bringing transparency to government processes;
- To establish and develop IT infrastructure and maximize its use nationwide;
- To stimulate the private sector to become the driving force for IT creativity and productivity and competitiveness;
- To encourage government and private sector joint venture collaboration in IT development;
- To enhance the national security and law enforcement;
- To develop human capital with emphasis on creating and supporting a knowledge-based economy;
- To ensure Internet governance and supervision of the management of the country code top-level domain ( on behalf of all Nigerians